Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I'm just waking up from last night! The DNC outdid themselves in Denver. First, the convention floor is something to behold. It's an aesthetically beautiful sight, drenched in blue carpeting and colorful video backdrops that change every few seconds. More important, there is an amazing energy in that vast space. Whether they are for Clinton, Obama, or another candidate, the delegates are excited to be here. Throughout the night, the aisles were completely packed with people trying to move along, but any progress completely stopped for the speeches. About the speeches: every Governor last night tried to rise to the occasion, but neither their topics nor their deliveries were particularly original. I just feel as if I've heard it all this year. However, when Hillary Clinton hit the stage, it was quite exciting. I wasn't sure if she could convince her supporters to get on board, but she really did sound sincere. Still, there were a few snickers from the crowd when she mentioned Obama by name, but in general, the crowd was wanted to hear her message. What they do in the voting booth this November is a different story.

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